Hardest Hit – March & Rally Newcastle 27 October

I’ve just received this email from Nick Ball of Skills for People in Newcastle who asked us to circulate details of this video and urges everyone to sign Pat’s petition. www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6-iTZR8CoI&feature=autoplay&list=ULb6-iTZR8CoI&playnext=1

Pat Onions is a legend. She has raised over 50,000 signatures with just a handful of supporters.  They need 100,000 to trigger a Commons debate.  As they are running out of time we are asking you to please share this with your networks and encourage everyone you know to sign it to support disabled people, their families and carers in their desperate times.

Last years Hardest Hit march and rally in Newcastle was amazing. This year’s event is on October 27th..  http://thehardesthit.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/north-east-event-march-rally-in-newcastle/  They need more stewards for the day –  a couple of hours on a Saturday morning just being there to support people if they need it.  For more details email  jo-walker@live.co.uk if you can offer a little bit of your time for a big cause.

About actionforinvolvment

We're an independent think tank, founded in 2006 to bring people in our communities together with policymakers and stakeholders. We create space often in a workshop format to pool ideas, develop networks and tackle hot topics. Since 2009, we’ve focused on the sustainability agenda such as: climate change, energy, housing, technology, transport with interest in:education, health, welfare, regulation and enforcement. Our latest project is funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Grant and our next event on 27th June 2013 includes George Monbiot with other high level environmental policy makers.
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